Other Lectures

Below are Miscellaneous Audio recordings. The files play best with Real Player or Quicktime player. Please save the file to your computer first and then open with real player/quicktime player.

Srimad Bhagavatam on 2009/12/05
Save the file first by Right Click on Download, Save Target As/Save Link As and then open with RealPlayer/QuickTime

Goal Setting on 2010/01/16
Save the file first by Right Click on Download, Save Target As/Save Link As and then open with RealPlayer/QuickTime

Appearance of Gadadhar Pandit 2010/04/18
This class was given on Sunday temple gathering on the occasion of Gadadhar Pandit's apperance.

Following are the main points discussed in this class
Different energies of the lord from BG - internal, external and marginal
Pastimes between Gaura and Gadadhar
Gadadhar pandit pacified Gaura when he was about to tear his own heart in search of Krishna
Gadadhar meeting and taking initiation from Pundarika Vidyanidhi
Gadadhar is non different from Radharani
Mahaprabhu used to relish Bhagavatam recital by Gadadhar because he was actually describing the feelings of Radharani
Pastime of Tota Gopinath and Mahaprabhu's disappearance
Gadadhar grants Bhava and Nityananda bestows Prema


Vyasa puja - HH Bhakti Caru Swami. 2010/09/17
This class was given in Bhaktivriksha gathering on the occasion of Vyasa puja celebration of HH Bhakti Caru Swami.

Discussion is about guru tatva.
Balaram and Adi guru - Balaram is sevak bhagavan
All vishnu tattva and even Shiva tattva are expansions of Balaram
All guru tattva is also expansion of balaram.
Guru and Shiva destroy ignorance by giving
Guru automatically manifests when a candidate is ready. Krishna in every one's heart knows when a person is ready. No extra endeavor is required.
Why Sri guru's lotus feet is compared to a lotus flower.