Bhagavad Gita Audio lectures (Fridays)

Below are the Audio recordings from Bhakti Vriksha held on Fridays. The files play best with Real Player or Quicktime player. Please save the file to your computer first and then open with real player/quicktime player.

BG Introduction on 2009/11/13
Purpose of bhagavad gita - 4 reasons
Meaning of vibhuti – mystic powers
Meaning of dharma – It has to be eternal
Primary dharma (Pramukh) and secondary dharma (Gauna)
Varnashrama dharma – purifies one
Why was bg spoken on the battle field
Purpose of BG – to know Krishna
Parama guhyam – because it is topmost, explains who we are, who is Krishna and elevates us to our full potential of 50 qualities in full
Is BG relevant to us in current time?
5 topics of BG ishvara, jiva, prakriti, kala, karma
Bhagavan, Paramatma and Brahman feature of Krishna
Grief is sign of ignorance – material platform
Nature of soul - By nature we are seekers of eternality, knowledge and happiness.
Nature – different kleshas
Karma – different types of karma
Why bad things happen to good people
Time controls everything – atheist meets Krishna in the form of kala
Advancement in KC is advancement in time management because it belogs to Krishna
Mahamaya and yogamaya
Suffering vs pain
Spiritual world variegated
We are eternally conditioned

BG Introduction on 2009/11/20
goal of varnashrama
Brahmana are the protectors of kshatriya
purpose of mahabharat war - to re-instate dharma
patriotism should be to maintain our culture unlike Indian independence struggle
This BG is most authentic because it is centered around spirit of BG
BG should be received from disciplic succession
to understand BG one has to be favorably disposed
shashtra is meant to be lived, not just knowing
seva is required in order to understand shashtra
devotees in 5 rasa
chanting removes our conditioning and then we can realize our rasa

BG Introduction on 2009/11/27
Importance of instating right leader in society
Parshurama annihilated bad kshatriyas 21 times
power to speak shahstra comes from Lord Ananata
purpose of appearance of prominent personalities like Buddha, Sankaracharya, RamanujaCharya, Chaitanya mahaprabhu...
Jesus christ and Mohammad
KC is profound because it deals with essence & not superficiality
Importance of Tulasi puja
subject matter of BG is absolute
Humanity begins - brahma jigyasa
asking who we are, why are we suffering etc
cause of suffering are desires
vedanta - begins with brahma jigyasa

BG Introduction on 2009/12/11
This class is mainly on importance of offering different elements during Aarti.
greatest fear - going back to lowest form of life
donation is not item of devotional service
different items offered in arti represents different (5) tatvas
offering each item purifies imbalance of specific tatva in us
these imbalances show up in the form of karma
mother (woman) falls in jal tatva
incense is pritvi or vaayu tatva
How to perform arti
mudras and mantras
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BG Introduction on 2010/01/10
Conditioning is dangerous
proper mood when visiting dhama
conditioning of Indra as a hog
conditioning is due to the impressions we are carrying from all the previous lives
fase ego VS true ego
engaging in sadhana bhakti erases all these impressions (conditioning)
Dhruva charita - exemplifies what we can possibly do
if you are sincere, you will find guru
KC should be started at age 5
transcending all bodily needs by seeking fulfillment from devotional service
seeking pleasure by giving pleasure to krishna
there has to be seva in order to understand that there is pleasure in giving pleasure to krishna
different parts of body serves the whole
3 features of Krishna - bhagavan, parmatma and brahman
bhakti yoga leads to bhagavan feature, yogis seek paramatma and jnanis seek brahman.

BG Introduction on 2010/01/15
Below are the keywords for BV class given on 1/15/2010
Krishna realized in sat, cit and ananda features
ananda is not experienced until we engage in service
Krishna is complete and all the emanations including this universe are complete
even so, we have been given (complete) exactly what we need to progress materially and spiritually
attitude of gratitude - we need to develop a deep appreciation of what has been given to us
even obstacles are mercy of the lord
a devotee surrenders to the lord in adverse situation & this helps one give up bodily conception
Krishna uses our karma to bring us closer to him.

BG Introduction on 2010/01/22
First 35 minutes of the class is on meditation and group japa.

Keywords from rest of the class

Vedic knowledge is infallible and complete
Example of cowdung purifying
Modern science is imperfect because it is ascending knowledge - subject to 4 defects
Knowledge received in parampara is also infallible
3 point check between guru shashatra and sadhu
How to make sure that the knowledge we are receiving is pure? By the results – it is making us surrender

BG Introduction on 2010/01/29
Vedic knowledge is infallible
Conditioned living being is subject to 4 defects
Surrender is struggle because of conditioning
Humility is to accept whatever Krishna has given and have courage to act upon it
Vedic knowledge is revealed knowledge
Anxiety goes down when we give up sense of proprietorship
Cause of suffering is independent desires
If one is deriving pleasure at the level of soul (devotional service to Krishna) then one will not be disturbed in adverse situation
Secondary aspects (bodily conception) should be minimized

BG Introduction on 2010/02/19
Following are the topic of discussion from this class
Hierarchy of Krishna and his expansion & spiritual sky
Sankarshan is the first expansion
Diff between balaram and Krishna is color
Balaram is in intense service mood
All the expansions of Krishna are in service mood because origin is balaram
All living entities wants to serve because we are parts and parcels of balaram
Service to material object is cause of both pleasure and distress
2 types of service – chanting and physical service. (chanting being topmost)
To relish the pleasure in KC one has to sacrifice something eg. Time
BG deals with devotional service
Mundane philanthropy is not the best service – it only addresses the symptoms not the root cause
Both Krishna and Jiva are eternal and any service connected to Krishna is eternal
Sanatan dharma – not sectarian
Krishna consciousness oversees superficial differences.

BG Introduction on 2010/03/05
Prayers to lord Anirudha
Hierarchy oF expansions of Krishna
Demigod worship
3 reasons why Krishna discourages demigod worship
KC is not secterian
Secterian religion focuses on eXternalities
Sanatan dharma is eternal nature of soul

BG Introduction on 2010/03/12
Every body is seeking pleasure
Body compared to Chariot
Role of mind is acceptence and rejection.
Seeking pleasure through senses & mind is cause oF Suffering.
Mind should be controlled by intelligence sharpened by shashtra.
Soul's Constitutional Position is serving Krishna.
one can be indifferent to happiness & distress only by deriving happiness at the level or soul.
Chanting even though it may be by force initially is source or happiness.
Only spiritual activity is eternal
How to deal with conflict.

BG Introduction on 2010/03/19
Suffering is because of lack of Knowledge
Suffering will be proportionate to level of sense of enjoyment
Suffering and pain are different
Aligning mind,senses, intelligence and body with Soul
unless body acts inthe interest of Soul one will not feel happiness
Service starts with tounge by chanting and tasting Prasadam
If you train yourself to act on transcendental levelithen it guarantees entry to spiritual world
Association of devotees is important in spiritual journey

BG Introduction on 2010/03/26

BG Introduction on 2010/04/02
Life of Brahma is just 1 breath of Mahavishnu.
Material world - analogy of an inverted tree.
Every body is seeking happiness - and happiness derived from body is flickering.
Enlightenment means removing ignorance. Once the consciousness is clear one can see the self, krishna and the relationship with Krishna.
Krishna Consciousness is being completely absorbed in the present blissful situation. Seekers of material hapiness always look for hapiness in the past and the future.
One can go to Krishna if one thinks (completely absorbed) of Krishna at the time of death.
3 energies of Krishna - living entity can either be in spiritual energy or material energy.
Our karma can be changed by following the instructions given in vedic literatures.

BG Introduction on 2010/04/16
Varnashrama dharma - one gradually advances the modes of material nature
How to be Krishna Consciousness at work.
Use circumstances as a stepping stone and move forward; Introduce Krishna into the bad bargain.
If you can connect to Krishna in difficult situations then you can automatically remember Krishna at death.
Service leads to developing love and relationship.
Devotional service leads to love of god.

BG Introduction on 2010/04/23

BG Chapter 1 verse 1 on 2010/04/30
why was bg spoken on battle field - because difficult situation brings intensity in devotion.
significance of Dritrashtra using word dharmashetra -

meaning of dharma - dharma should take you closer to your eternal position.
all secondary dharma should be rejected.
purpose of war - krishna wanted to establish dharma in the society; duryodhana was not capable of leading the society to purpose of life.
without dharma population will not progress.
It is important to understand BG from a devotee of lord.
Bhagavad Gita is the essence of all scriptures. The essence of Bhagavad gita is given in BG15.5 -> purpose of Gita is to know Krishna.
Kurukshetra is a dharma Kshetra and it will have positive influence on Padavas and negative influence on Duryodhana. Therefore Dhritrashtra was concerned about this.
Although there are no hard and fast rules for chanting but external circumstance like bathing, devotional cloths, tilak etc, helps in setting our consciousness.
For bhakti to grow both watering the bhakti vriksha by chanting and reading and removing the weeds by removing unwanted desires are important.


BG Chapter 1 verse 2-3 on 2010/05/07
you need intensity to focus on devotional service.
challenges in life are opportunities to go deeper in Krishna consciousness.
It is easier to focus on Krishna in bad times.
Discrimination is a symptom of material concept. There is no discrimination in Krishna consciousness.
Dhritarashtra was both physically and spiritually blind and therefore incapable of leading the mankind.
Varnashrama is required but the goal of varnashrama is Krishna (BG 15.5)
Roles of Brahmana, Kshatriya, vaishya and shudra.
Kshatriya needs to maintain balance between all the varna.
Brahmana protects the kshatriya by giving them knowledge.
Brahmnical quality - perform austerities.
Fear is due to anxiety because of changes coming to eating, mating, sleeping and defending.
Duryodhana is diplomatically point out the defect of Dronacharya - because he trained Drishtadyumna who is the commander in cheif of Pandava family.
Dronacharya was following secondary dharma by taking side of Duryodhana. He was afraid of sins.
Dronacharya and Bishmadev both knew Krishna as the supreme personality of godhead but they were following their duty even though being on the side of Duryodhana was full of suffering.
When Krishna is involved everything else including prescribed duty becomes secondary. That is the meaning of Sarva dharman parityaja.
being spiritual does not mean materially in-efficient.


BG Chapter 1 verse 4-13 on 2010/05/14
Our focus should be on primary dharma. Secondary dharma should support primary dharma. Matter cannot influence primary dharma of soul.
Duryodhana was thinking that Krishna is an ordinary person and was measuring the strength of Pandava army by Bhima, totally neglecting Krishna.
When women, children and older people are not protected then the society is bound to fall.
Duryodhana was confident that Bhishma and Drona will not take sides of Pandavas because they kept quite when Draupadi was humiliated.
Sin leads to sin.


BG Chapter 1 verse 14-15 on 2010/05/28
Bhishma's blowing of conch is compared to roar and Krishna's blowing of conch is transcendental.
Sound vibrations play important role in our consciousness. We should always protect our consciousness through transcendental sound vibrations and avoid other sound vibrations like TV, Prajalpa etc. Loud chanting should be done to purify consciousness. Even the potency of creation comes to Brahma through sound vibration.
Krishna addressed as Madhava (Another sign of victory for Pandavas) - relates to Madhavi, the goddess of fortune and eternal companion of Vishnu. Where ever Madhava is present, Lakshmi (good fortune) is also present. Good fortune may not necessarily mean wealth.
Arjuna's chariot was donated by Agnidev (Another sign of victory) - Agni (fire) is very difficult to contain.
Krishna addressed as Hrishikesha (Another sign of victory) - The controller of the senses would direct Arjuna's senses to victory specially because he is a pure devotee and fully surrendered unto Shri Krishna.
Ordinary persons do not receive directions from paramatma because of layers of conditioning (identifying self with body). Fully surrendered soul who is 100% free of bodily conception receive instructions from Pramatma and can talk face to face with him.


BG Chapter 1 verse 15-18 on 2010/06/04
All intelligence comes from Krishna.
We are in a miserable existence because of our fragmental existence; disconnect between senses, mind and intelligence.
Spiritual efficiency automatically make you materially efficient.
How to know if Krishna is directing our senses? If it brings closer to Krishna then you can tell that Krishna is directing our senses.
Fear exists because of uncertainity of fulfilling bodily demands of eating, sleeping, mating and defending


BG Chapter 1 verse 28-30 on 2010/07/02
Arjuna being a devotee of Krishna, his heart is soft and is feeling compassion for warriors assembled on the battlefield.
All godly qualities automatically come to a devotee whereas whatever good qualities a non-devotee may have it is hovering on the mental plain and will quickly vanish.
Arjuna has been put into perplexity by Krishna to bring forth intensity.
Happiness can be perceived in 3 levels
- physical level (mode of ignorance and passion)
- mental and intellectual level (mode of goodness)
- spiritual level: Beyond the modes and the highest form of happiness
Arjuna was foregoing higher level of happiness for physical level of reality because he was being compassionate on the bodily level.
Fear is due to mode of ignorance
Fear and love are 2 sides of a coin. They go ill together.

BG Chapter 1 on 2010/07/09

BG Chapter 1 on 2010/07/16
Every body is looking for self help.
Bhagavad Gita is the highest motivational speech (self help). So much so that Krishna motivated Arjuna to fight against his own relatives.
The purpose of Bhagavad Gita is to let Krishna lead us like a charioteer.
When women gets polluted, it results in unwanted progeny.
Family tradition is destroyed by unwanted progeny.
There are 2 paths leading to absolute truth - Varnashrama dharma and direct devotional service unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Krishna consciousness should be started at childhood and children should be shown how to become happy in devotional service. So that when they grow up they are not looking for happiness from job or any other material situations.

BG Chapter 1 on 2010/07/30
Unless you controll the layers of physical and mental you cannot aspire for subtle (spiritual) level.
Purification is required to practice Ashtanga yoga.
First 4 levels of Ashtanga yoga is to control body and mind.
Surrender means to accept things Krishna has given us with humility and forget about results.

BG Chapter 2 Introduction on 2010/08/06
Budhi yoga - analogy of chariot.
People are unhappy because there is no integrity between mind, senses and intelligence.
In budhi yoga, intelligence is guided by Krishna.
SB 4.23.7 - austerities of Prithu maharaja
Artificial standard of living gives anxiety.
Krishna's arrangement is in mode of goodness.
City is in mode of passion and ignorance.
In mode of passion one is always anxious of future.

BG Chapter 2 verse 1 on 2010/08/13
Compassion is direct manifestation of Bhakti.
Service is the intrinsic nature of soul.
A kanistha bhakta only wants to serve Krishna whereas a real devotee shows compassion towards everybody and wants to serve them.
Lamentation is a quality of shudra - mode of ignorance.
The 4 varnas have objectives in dharma, artha, kama and moksha
Revolution happens when shudras are not satisfied.
Prabhupada's mission is to create Brahmanas who will influence the society.
If you want to know the consciousness of people then see their quality of entertainment.

BG Chapter 2 verse 2 on 2010/08/20
Samadhi - One who is in samadhi does not engage in sense gratification which are result of mental concoction.
Budhi yoga means to act according to the instructions of Paramatma when one is fully surrendered.
Defn of Mudha - One who is not guided by principles of Shashtra.
Actions guided by Shshtra and Krishna are protected by Krishna.
Real compassion is compassion related to Krishna.
Purity mean to be freed from bodily conception.
Arjuna was neglecting his duty not willing to fight based on bodily discomfort.
3 features of God - Brahman, Parmatma and Bhagavan.
6 opulences of Krishna.

BG Chapter 2 verse 2 on 2010/09/10
Every body is looking for improving their potential (self help). However full potential cannot be attained without tapping on the spiritual potential.
Highest potential possible for a living being is acheiving the 50 qualities in full that is reaching the potential of lord Brahma. This happens only when one realizes that he is servant of Krishna.
Krishna has 6 opulences: Strength,fame, knowledge, beauty, renunciation and wealth. Bhagavan means one who possess all these 6 opulences in full.
Only Krishna displayed all these 6 opulences where as other incarnations of Krishna did not display all the 6 opulences.
More control and freewill is given to a person in higher consciousness.
Karmic reactions depends on the consciousness of the person. Reactions are different for people in different modes.


BG Chapter 2 verses 3-6 on 2010/09/24
Knowledge is inspired by Paramatma when one is situated in higher level of goodness.
Yoga Shashtra talks about 5 layers of existence -
Anandamaya kosha: (Happiness)
Yoga sutra talks about highest level of mode of goodness. This is different from transcendental bliss. Transcendence is being situated in samadhi.
Anandamaya kosha: (Sustainance or gratification of senses) - Engaging in Ahar, nidra, bhaya, maithuna
Manomaya kosha: mental level of pleasure
Pranamaya kosha: Dealing with pranayam. Helps in spiritual healing. If pranic body is healthy then it cures all diseases. Higher principles heal lower principles.
Vigyanamaya kosha: deals with Brahma Jigyasa. Wisdom.
Arjuna's weakness of heart was at the mental level.
Guru can be abandoned if they are involved in abominable activities.


BG Chapter 2 verse 7 on 2010/10/01
- All the levels of physical existence are dangerous and temporary because they are on material level.
- Pranamaya kosha (etherial layer) brings false pride and Krishna does not like false pride.
- This verse is the pivotal verse. Krishna starts giving real instructions only after Arjuna surrenders.
- Every living entity has 2 choices - Either be on the side of Krishna and perform sacrifice or become and ingredient into sacrifice.
- Knowledge flows only when one takes a humble position of a disciple or a servant.
- How to know if one is surrendered?
- How to train children to avoid the maya in the world?

BG Chapter 2 verse 8 on 2010/10/08
- Understanding Shashtra is through the heart, not by intelligence. Heart has to be open by way of surrender.
- Process of creation discussed
- Wisdom is to discriminate a soul surrendered to supersoul. Higher modes gives us ability to discriminate. A discriminating mind can controll lower consciousness.
- Focusing on Krishna consciousness will give you ability to resolve all problems.
- One who knows the science of Krishna is a guru, even if one is of low birth.
- Only one who has received the mercy of lord Ananta can speak Bhagavatam.
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BG Chapter 2 verse 9-11 on 2010/10/15
- Self realization - is Sambandha, Abhideha and Prayojana
- Surrender means keeping Krishna in the center.
- We do not surrender because we do not know that beign dependent on Guru and Krishna is wonderful.
- More one is surrendered, more the energy of Krishna flows through that person.
- Krishna is very patient and gives us many chances to come to him.
- Grief on death of someone close is justified but it should not stop us from doing our duty.

BG Chapter 2 verse 12 on 2010/10/22
- No one can continually engage in an activity without deriving pleasure
- It is possible to forego physical and mental laevel of existence if one is deriving spiritual happiness
- Doing activities that are beyond bodily conception helps in realizing that we are not this body
- Krishna consciousness is about keeping Krishna in the center
- Before one starts to love Krishna, one should know him
- Mental frustration is the first step towards spirituality
- Learned person does not lament for living or dead because he is already situated in spiritual bliss
- Lazer like focus is required to penetrate the thick material covering. Such focus automatically comes when there is intensity
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BG Chapter 2 verse 13-14 on 2010/10/29
- There is change in every aspect of our life
- Identifying ourselves with material position which constantly changes is false identity. True identity should be eternally true.
- False identity results into suffering because we associate desires with each identity which are not fulfilled.
- How to strike a balance between our false identity and true identity
- Knowledge helps in tolerating the disturbances due to happiness and distress
- The real identity can be established by imposing rules and regulations for reminding us who we are.
- All our activities should be centered around Krishna.

BG Chapter 2 (Subtle body) on 2010/11/12
- What happens to mental layer at the time of death.
- Advanced spiritualist can burn karma even in dream through subtle body.
- As sadhana progresses, one can perceive activities of subtle body and still further, activities of spirit soul.
- Subtle body could be destroyed even in this life time by sadhana.
- Subtle body affects physical body.
- The next body we get depends on the desires of the subtle body.
- Whole process of sadhana bhakti is to engage more and more in services of Krishna so that a deep impression is left on the consciousness that I am a servant of Krishna. This impression will come up at the time of death. These impressions create identity.

BG Chapter 2 14-15 on 2010/11/19
- No question of samadhi as long as one identifies with physical or mental layer.
- Importance of establishing eternal identity.
- Tolerating dualities helps us transcend the material layer.
- Person deriving happiness at the spiritual level will not be disturbed by happiness and distress
- Such a person situated on spiritual level is already liberated
- Even liberation is less important than being situated in spiritual position of Krishna's eternal servant.

BG Intro (general) on 2010/11/26

BG Chapter 2 on 2010/12/03

BG Chapter 2 on 2010/12/10

BG Chapter 2 on 2010/12/17

BG Chapter 2 on 2011/01/07
-Surrender happens only when there is intensity, which often requires pain & suffering. If comfort --> on feels no need to surrender
-Mental pain & suffering allow Arjun to surrender in verse 2.6
-A completely surrendered soul is a pure devotee because it has no other identity that it is slinging on to.
-All suffering occurs because we have no understood our real identity, which in turn is because we are not prioritizing Krishna consciousness.
-It is very difficult to recognize a person at a higher level of consciousness when we are at a lower level -- frog in the well mentality -- we cannot grasp it with our limited understanding.
-Verse 2.27: Lamentation is discouraged because it distracts one from duty. Grief is ok, it is natural, one must not be inert (Vaishnavas are inherently very soft & compassionate), but it must not stop one from executing duty
-Soul & subtle body move on at the time of death. Subtle body is the set of false identities & attachments. It is also destroyed at the time of liberation (because for a pure devotee, all false identities are destroyed)
-Verse 2.30: Does not mean 'do not care for others'. It means do not grieve for the body. Grieve for the soul.

BG Chapter 2 on 2011/01/14
-Vedas are instruction manual, sent by Krishna on how to return to spiritual world
-The quality of the mode of ignorance is to destroy.
-Higher consciousness control lower consciousness (e.g. Britishers were able to outwit Indian kings who were in Shudra consciousness, also fall of Roman empire)
-Just like Brahman is held at a higher standard, one in a male body is also held at a higher standard than one in a female body. Potency of husband/father can deliver entire family, chanting of husband can compensate of wife's chanting
-Leadership must know the purpose of life - Arjun was the emperor of the world - his actions would influence the entire world's population. Today's leadership must also know the purpose of life.
-Society is interconnected and delicately balanced under Varnashram system
-Example: If Brahmanas fall (begin to take money from Kings), kings (Kshatriyas) are not kept under check, hence Vaishyas' and Shudras' needs are not met.
- Example: Increase in taxation by kings for their own benefit --> people less inclined to give charity --> Brahmanas cannot survive --> brahmanas take $ from kings -> Brahmanas no more independent --> Kings fall --> further downfall of society
-Following one's Dharma leads to accumulation of Punya (soft currency), which leads to accumulation of Artha (hard currency), which can satisfy our desires (Kama).
-Artha can appear in the form of any one of more of the opulences of Krishna (Wealth, fame, beauty, strength, renunciation)

BG Chapter 2, verse 39 to 41 on 2010/12/21
(1) Discomfort at the physical & mental levels forces one to dig deeper.
(2) In Chapter 1, Krishna is setting the stage for intensity (recall: He is a master strategist), and in Chapter 2, He uses analytical logic so that Arjun can be convinced.
(3) In fruitive activity, one focuses on the result. This leads to anxiety because the focus is entirely in the future, not in the present. We must plan and act on our plans but we must leave results entirely to Krishna. Only 2 ways to not act fruitively: (i) Just give up and not make any effort, and (ii) Act with the understanding that everything is being done for Krishna's pleasure. The latter is 'acting in knowledge' and is advised by Krishna.
(4) A materialist's greatest fear is fear of death because he doesn't know what lies beyond. Death poses no anxiety to a devotee because he knows he is just going to continue devotional service, whether in health/sickness, wealth or poverty. The materialist is compared to a student who has not studied regularly for exams and is therefore afraid of the final exam (death). The devotee is like the student who is very well prepared and therefore looks upon the exam eagerly as a way to move up further.
(5) The real great fear of our life is: Not being able to make any spiritual progress in this human birth.
(6) Intelligence is compared to a charioteer. A weak, irresolute intelligence does not receive instruction from the passenger (i.e. the soul) and is pulled randomly by the mind and the senses. Intelligence that is sharpened by Shaastra (i.e. Krishna's words) takes control of the mind and senses, as per the direction of the soul.
(7) The following are in decreasing order of hierarchy: soul, intelligence, mind, senses. In this hierarchy, that which is higher up can control which is lower, e.g. the soul can control intelligence, mind and senses.

BG Chapter 2 on 2011/01/28

BG Chapter 2 on 2011/02/04.
Unfortunately, due to a recording problem, only the first 25 minutes of this class we recorded in this recording. We apologize to the devotees for the missing portion of this class.

BG Chapter 2 on 2011/02/11.

BG Chapter 2 on 2011/02/18

BG Chapter 2 on 2011/02/25
(1) Q: What shows that we are not in control? Ans: Time. Time is completely under the control of Krsna. e.g. Rainfall must fall on a farmer's land at the right. Therefore, Krsna is the cause of the result.
(2) Name, fame, etc., become important if we are focused on the wrong identity. When this happens, the results become distracting.
(3) Dharma: is that activity that has the potential to connect is to our eternal nature. Such activity does not have any reactions.
(4) A true devotee is fearless. Fear and love are opposites. We do not fear God. We love Him.
(5) Following duty need not feel pleasurable (e.g. Arjun following his duty on the battlefield).
Spiritual life is not about 'feeling good' -- that is attachment to the mode of goodness, which is within the material realm.
(6) We all are in specific situations because of our karma. But if we are grateful that Krsna has put us in the situation for us to learn and make progress, then Krsna will personally get involved. We must involve Him in our activity. We can then attribute our situation to the Lord's desire. He will then start guiding us and making arrangements, both internal and external. This is the essence of Karma Yoga.
(7) Abomination: Anything that binds us to our body. Anything that keeps us away from real (spiritual) happiness
(8) Our standard of happiness in the material world is wrong -- when a problem is solved, we get happy. But this is not real happiness.
(9) There is no restriction on how we can engage in devotional service in Lord Chaitanya's movement. There is no hardship like Ashtanga yoga.
(10) Pure devotees have a little bit of karma left so they can exist and act in their material body.
(11) If we can connect Krsna to everything, then we are home free. This is the hard part. Because our own choices have trapped us in situations that are not conducive for 30-40 year devotional life.
(12) To gauge whether we are moving in the right direction, we must see if our taste for the mundane things is going down. This indicate increase in the amount of mercy we are getting.


BG Chapter 2 on 2011/03/04
(1) One can get rid of misery while being in this material body (In this world but not of it)
(2) Goal of a devotee is not 'Mukti' (liberation) but only pure devotional service, which lies beyond liberation.
(3) Goal setting is necessary in spiritual life as in material life. If we dont plan, then Maya will plan for us. If we don't act differently, then how can we expect to see different results? -- We will just end up repeating our past behavior.
(4) We have rejected Krsna's efforts to save us. He sends His servants and we place our own petty demands higher than Him.
(5) During Anartha Nivritti stage: 80% of time is spent fighting off material impulses & habits, and only 20% in direct service. Afterwards, 80% of time is spent in direct service.

BG Chapter 2 on 2011/03/11
(1) Delusion occurs as follows: First the mind begins to contemplate on something, then attachment for the object of contemplation grows, desire grows, and if this desire is not met, there is frustration, that then leads to anger. Once there is anger, intelligence is lost. And in the absence of intelligence, one is easily deluded.
(2) Devotees do not experience delusion.
(3) In the beginning many devotees think, 'what if I reach a stage where I loose taste for happiness from material things'. This is a misplaced concern because in spiritual life, our goal is not to create a vaccuum by getting rid of material pleasures, instead we replace a lower taste by a higher taste.
(4) Flowery language of the Vedas do not disturb a person who knows his relationship with Krsna. Such a person can be in this world and not of it. He can enter/exit the spiritual world at will and be part of the pastimes of the divine couple.

BG Chapter 2 on 2011/03/25

BG Chapter 2 on 2011/04/01

BG Chapter 2 on 2011/04/08

BG Chapter 2 on 2011/04/15

BG Chapter 2 on 2011/04/22

BG Chapter 2 on 2011/04/29

BG Chapter 2 on 2011/05/06

BG Chapter 2 on 2011/05/13

BG Chapter 2 on 2011/05/20

BG Chapter 2 on 2011/05/27

BG Chapter 2 on 2011/06/03

BG Chapter 2 on 2011/06/10

BG Chapter 2 on 2011/06/17

BG Chapter 2 on 2011/06/24

BG Chapter 3 on 2011/07/15

BG Chapter 3 on 2011/08/12

BG Chapter 3 on 2011/08/19

BG Chapter 3 on 2011/08/26

BG Chapter 3 on 2011/09/02

BG Chapter 3 on 2011/09/09

BG Chapter 3 on 2011/09/23

BG Chapter 4 on 2011/10/07

BG Chapter 4 on 2011/10/13

BG Chapter 4 on 2011/10/21

BG Chapter 4 on 2011/11/03

BG Chapter 4 on 2011/11/11

BG Chapter 4 on 2011/11/18

BG Chapter 4 on 2011/11/25

BG Chapter 1 review on 2011/12/02

BG Chapter 2 review on 2011/12/09

BG Chapter 2 review on 2011/12/16

BG Chapter 2 review on 2011/12/23

Bhakti Vriksha on 2012/01/13

Bhakti Vriksha on 2012/01/20

Bhakti Vriksha on 2012/01/21

Bhakti Vriksha on 2012/01/27

Bhakti Vriksha on 2012/02/03

Bhakti Vriksha on 2012/02/10

Bhakti Vriksha on 2012/02/24

Bhakti Vriksha on 2012/03/02

Bhakti Vriksha on 2012/03/09

Bhakti Vriksha on 2012/03/16

Part 1 of Lecture by HG Sri Vrindavan Das Prabhuji, on Saranagati Prayers 2012/03/17

Part 2 of Lecture by HG Sri Vrindavan Das Prabhuji, on Saranagati Prayers 2012/03/17