Bhagavad-Gita (NGC-Saturdays)

Below are the Audio recordings from Bhakti Vriksha held on Saturdays. The files play best with Real Player or Quicktime player.Please save the file to your

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BG Verse 2.31 on 2009/10/03
Krishna established that you are not the body, you are the soul. You are going to come back to this planet again. Breaking the cycle of birth and rebirth is

the essence of religiosity. Concept of dharma, artha, kaam and moksha. It is like chewing the cud. And then after doing the same thing again and again, he

wakes up and asks Athato Brahma Jignyasa. Till you are liberated, you have to perform Swadharma. Dharma is based on Varnashram. Even if you do not do your

duty, there is a safety net of Krishna consciousness. On path of liberation, there is no difference between what is material and what is spiritual. If

something is given by Krishna, there is no agitation.

Question: How do you know your Swadharma?
Answer: Story of Gajendra and crocodile.

Whether you are Brahman or Shudra, it doesn't matter. Choose the profession that allows you to chant.

Simplification of life is the rule, otherwise you will give up Krishna consciousness.

Austerity is the wealth of a Brahman.

Question:How is the service performed in Goloka?
Answer: Everyone is Goloka is in Krishna Consciousness.

When you love someone and don't serve them, we are sentimental. Love and service go together.

Q: Why does Krishna need love? If not why do we serve him?
A: Krishna is Atmaram. He is engaging is loving reciprocation because we need it. He does not need it.

Until you are not liberated, you must do Swadharma. If you are in Krishna consciousness and do not do Swadhrama, you will not be held responsible.

The more we differentiate in this world, the more we are material.

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BG Verses 2.32 to 2.37 on 2009/10/10
We are souls, so we are going to come back. Following the rules of Varnashram which is based on Guna and Karma is going to affect your birth. Never ever

think that there is something random happening in life.

You can get Karmic reactions because of your actions. For example, people who win lottery eventually say that they should not have won it.

Following Swadharma guarantees that you will get at least a human body. If you follow Swadharma for 100 life times, you become Brahma.

If you are super happy or super miserable, you won't be able to take up Krishna Consciousness. You need to be little frustrated with doing the same cycle of

Dharma, Artha and Kaam again and again.

Krishna is trying to convince Arjuna by starting at the basic level. He asks Arjuna to think about infamy if he does not do his duty due to his attachments

to his relatives.

Question: Is it ok for Brahman to beg?
Answer: Yes, it is. Example of Madhukari.

You get better material body when you do Swadharma. Krishna says you will get elevated to heavenly planets when you perform your duty. However if you do not

perform your duty, you will incur sins and infamy.

Example of Shalya taking the wrong side because of being duty conscious. So transcendental duty is above Swadharma.

Yogamaya has put Arjuna in ignorance so that Krishna can tell Bhagvad Gita for our benefit.

Surrender is following instructions of Guru.

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BG Verse 2.39 on 2009/10/24

Sin is equal to desires. All desires are sinful reactions.

Person in Krishna Consciousness is less anxious. He is not looking at the future, that's why he is focused in the present. Sinful reactions go down, desires

go down. Bad Karma is desires.

Outside of Varnasharm, if you satisfy those desires, you directly get sinful reactions. Because there is no regulation. Example: The desire of having union

with opposite gender, this desire is purified by getting married.

Q: Why people get stuck in Artha and Kama?
A: Because of multitude of desires. You keep on adding ghee to the fire. It will consume it. So there has to be regulation.

In Varnashram, you do everything for fruitive results and you can progress. That's a very slow process. But the alternative is devotional service which is

very efficient, that is working without fruitive results.

Shivalinga is symbolic representation of Hiranyagarbha, the process of creation by Shiva and Parvati.

Lord Krishna whose expansion is Lord Shiva who glances over the material energy which is Durgamata. It is their union that produces souls. Brahma's creation

is different, he creates the body but the soul is created by Lord Shiva. So we come into this world through the agency of Lord Shiva and we go out also

through his agency.

Advanced spiritualist has direct communion with Krishna. This is Buddhi Yoga. When he says, do this, you will do that. Example of Yudhishthira playing dice.

As a pure devotee, he will not look at the results. Shakuni is cheating, but I'll still play because You are telling me. Krishna's objective is to glorify

devotees, in this case Draupadi was glorified.

What is Krishna Consciousness? It means that Krishna is at the center and we are focused on satisfying his senses.

Lord Shivji gives boons only to glorify Krishna because there is Krishna is his heart who is directing him. Example: Shivji gives boon to Ravana only to

glorify Lord Ram.

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BG Verse 2.40 - Sambandha Gyan on 2009/10/31

Giving pleasure to Krishna's senses is Krishna Consciousness. When you have Communion with Krishna, it is auspicious. This is not theory, it is practical.

We are like drug addicts in hospital. That's why we keep on satisfying our senses instead of Krishna's even after taking up Krishna Consciousness. Whenever

we do something for our own sense gratification, we are in trouble. Examples: 1. Abhimanyu was killed when Arjuna did not listen. 2. Udhishthira told

Duryodhana that he can fight with anyone. Udhishthira would have lost his Kingdom. 3. Bhishma and Dronacharya

Ashtang Yoga and Gyan Yoga are bottom up approaches. That is, it entirely depends upon your ability. Bhakti Yoga is a top down approach. It requires less of

our ability and more of Krishna's mercy.

Activities in Krishna Consciousness are not impeded because they are done on spiritual platform. That is, they are done for satisfying Krishna's senses. If

your senses, then they are on material platform.

Ajamila's story. Just by taking his son's name, he got second chance.

Aparadha means offending devotees. Krishna takes away credits in such cases.

When you are born into the material world, there will be suffering. But suffering and pain are not the same. If you are in Krishna Consciousness, you may

have pain because of your past Karma but you many not suffer because of your devotional service. Even Arjuna who was a pure devotee of the Lord, his son was

killed. Pandavas lost their Kingdom. So in this material world, there will be suffering definitely.

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BG Verse 2.41 on 2009/11/07
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BG Verses 2.44 and 2.45 on 2009/11/21
Verse 44

If we are engaged in material enjoyment, there is no question of devotional service coming to our mind. There is no ambiguity, we can either satisfy our

senses or we can satisfy Krishna's senses. If we always satisfy our senses, how can we have a higher taste of giving pleasure to Krishna's senses?

We should be like tortoise which withdraws its limbs, similarly we should withdraw from sense enjoyment.

We don't want to abstain from enjoyment. We want to engage our senses in Krishna's service. We get enjoyed when He enjoys. He is the Purusha and we all are

Stree in that sense. We don't abstain from eating, we don't abstain from dancing, we don't abstain from music. We eat for Krishna, we dance in 'mad' for

Krishna, we listen to Bhajan for Krishna. We don't abstain but we have a higher taste. It is about understanding that He is the proprietor and our duty is to

give him pleasure. And the servant also enjoys when Krishna is pleased.

Based on the qualities that we have in our subtle body at the time of death, we place an order to get our next body. Throughout our life, there has to be

progress from Ignorance to Passion to Goodness so that at the time of death, our subtle body has good qualities.

Q: How do I enter into Samadhi when I'm doing my daily activities?
A: Krishna looks at you holistically. Your understanding should be that Krishna has put me in this situation to make me closer to him. Your job might be

ordained by your Karma but if you introduce Krishna in your job, it becomes auspicious. Example of Srila Prabhupada's problems. a) Pharmaceutical business

burnt down b)Typewriter was stolen on his way to US c) Bull gored him after taking Sanyas. He could tolerate all this because he had a goal.

Verse 45

We are situated in the modes of ignorance, passion and goodness. So how to rise above these modes? All activities in the 3 modes of material nature have

actions and reactions. This body is a prison sentence and you are going to be bound by whatever is going to happen.

Ishopanishad. The first verse is Isavasyam Idam Sarvam. Means Krishna is the proprietor. When you understand this and you do everything for Krishna, there

will not be any reaction.

Unless we have a goal, unless we have Vyavasayatmika Buddhi, unless we have resolute determination in Krishna consciousness, we will not be able to tolerate

all negative things in our life, we will not be able to rise above the 3 modes of material nature. When we have resolute determination, tolerance will

automatically come. Example of train journey when you know that you are getting off the next morning. What is the point of transcendence when there is

nothing to transcend?

Devotees are very efficient because they are closer to Krishna and they have clarity of thought. Krishna will empower you to do a 5 hour job in half the


How can you be anxious when you accept everything that happens to you? When you consider that this experience is going to make me a better servant. A bad

boss, a bad coworker are modes of material nature. Transcend it and you will become a better servant.

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BG Verse 2.46 on 2009/11/28
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BG Verse 2.47 on 2009/12/12
The main focus of this verse is Proprietorship, or of ‘Who owns what?’. This is the biggest concern plaging the universe today. There are different

philosophies that came up over time to tackle this problem like capitalism, communism etc. addressing this problem. Each philosophy has its own selfish

interest for their explanation. There are problems associated which each theory no matter how much explanation they give. Communists promoted classless

society, and Capitalism promoted selfish desires, and all of them failed.
The first verse of Isopanishad says everything belongs to Krishna. All of the above philosophies will fail because Krishna is not in the centre. In Krishna

consciousness guru is the servant of disciple and disciple is the servant of guru, as both are serving Krishna.

Question : You said Communism is good concept so why it failed?
Answer : Because god is not there in the center. Communism is good initially in the sense at least they are not focused on selfishness. They say, get all the

resources and distribute them equally, but the fellow who is distributing keeps the bigger share.

Question : How would you become cause of your action?
Answer : You start thinking the result of mine has to come to me, automatically you become proprietor of the result.

Q : How do we apply the whole concept of focusing on duty without expectation of the results?
A : Involving Krishna in everything you do, even though we are not clear as to how that particular time has been arranged by god to get you closer to him,

automatically tht particular action you perform brings you closer to him.

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BG Verse 2.48 on 2009/12/26
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BG Verses 2.49 and 2.50 on 2010/01/02
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BG Verse 2.51 on 2010/01/09
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BG Verses 2.52 and 2.53 on 2010/01/23
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BG Verse 2.54 on 2010/01/30
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BG Verse 2.55 on 2010/02/13
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BG Verse 2.56 on 2010/02/21
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BG Verses 2.57 and 2.58 on 2010/03/13
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BG Verse 2.59 on 2010/03/21
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BG Verse 2.60 on 2010/03/27
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BG Verse 2.61 on 2010/04/03
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BG Verse 2.62 on 2010/04/17
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BG Verse 2.63 to 2.67 on 2010/04/24
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BG Verse 2.68 to 2.72 on 2010/05/01
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BG 3rd chapter introduction on 2010/05/08
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BG Verse 3.1 on 2010/05/22
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BG Verses 3.2 and 3.3 on 2010/06/05
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BG Verse 3.4 on 2010/06/19
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BG Verse 3.5 on 2010/06/25
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BG Verses 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 on 2010/07/03
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BG Verse 3.9 and 3 levels of satisfaction on 2010/07/10
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BG Verse 3.10 and Tributes to Aindra Prabhu on 2010/07/17
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BG Verses 3.11 and 3.12 on 2010/07/31
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BG Verse 3.13 - Honour only Sri Krishna Prasadam on 2010/08/07
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BG Verse 3.13 Continued on 2010/08/14
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BG 3rd chapter revision on 2010/09/04
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BG Verse 3.18 on 2010/09/25
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BG Verse 3.19 on 2010/10/02
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BG Verse 3.19 Continued on 2010/10/16
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BG Chapter 3 Common class(Fri + Sat BVs combined) on 2010/10/23
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BG Verse 3.20 on 2010/10/30
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BG Verse 3.21 on 2010/11/13
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BG Verse 3.21 Continued on 2010/11/27
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BG Verse 3.22, 3.23, 3.24 on 2010/12/04
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BG Verse 3.25 on 2010/12/11
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BG Verse 3.26 on 2010/12/18
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BG Chapters 1-3 Summary for new devotees on 2011/01/01
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BG Verse 3.27 on 2011/01/08
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BG Verse 3.28 on 2011/01/15
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BG Verse 3.29 till end of chapter 3 on 2011/01/22
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BG Summary of Chapters 1 to 3 on 2011/01/29
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BG Summary of Chapters 1 to 3 on 2011/02/05
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Introduction to Transcendental Knowledge on 2011/02/12
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BG Verse 4.1 on 2011/02/19
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BG Verse 4.2 on 2011/02/26
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BG Verse 4.3 on 2011/03/05
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BG Verses 4.4 and 4.5 on 2011/03/12
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BG Verses 4.6 and 4.7 on 2011/03/26
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BG Verse 4.8 on 2011/04/02
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BG Verse 4.9 on 2011/04/09
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BG Verse 4.10 on 2011/04/23
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BG Verse 4.11 on 2011/05/07
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BG Verse 4.11 Continued on 2011/05/28
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BG Verse 4.12 on 2011/06/04
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BG Verse 4.13 on 2011/06/18
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BG Verse 4.14 on 2011/06/25
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BG Verses 4.15 to 4.18 on 2011/07/02
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BG Chapter 4 Overview (after a gap of 2 weeks) on 2011/07/23
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BG Chapter 4 - Karma, Akarma and Vikarma on 2011/07/30
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BG Verse 4.16 to 22 on 2011/08/06
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Duplicity (Obstacles in Krishna Consciousness) on 2011/08/13
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Class Points
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BG Verse 4.34 on 2011/10/01
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BG Verses 4.35 and 4.36 on 2011/10/08
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BG Verses 4.37 to 4.42 on 2011/10/15
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BG Chapter 4 Revision on 2011/10/22
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Gaur Kishore Das Babaji Disappearance and BG Verses 5.1 and 5.2 on 2011/11/05
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BG Verses 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5 on 2011/11/12
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Chanting - The recommended process for KaliYuga and BG Verse 5.6 on 2011/11/19
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BG Verse 5.7 and importance of book distribution on 2011/11/26
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